(304) 241-1261 contact@healthgroup.com

Volume 20.10

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (“NHPCO”) is offering a webinar intended to address the legal, accounting, and financial reporting aspects of the PPP SBA Guaranteed Loan Program and the Provider Relief Funding, as well as the interplay between these funding sources.  William T. (Ted) Cuppett will be one of the presenters for the webinar scheduled for May 18, 2020 at 2:00 pm.  While specifically targeting hospice providers, we believe many other types of providers will find this program valuable.

Topical coverage and program details will be determined soon; however, coverage is expected to be comprehensive based on the latest information available and the many questions being received from hospices and healthcare providers across the country, whether proprietary, tax-exempt, freestanding, or provider-based.

Additional details will be available here, once available.  Mark the date on your calendar.


National Government Services (“NGS”) has reluctantly cancelled the live NGS 2020 Medicare Summit, which was scheduled to be held in Las Vegas in the Fall of 2020.  The program is tentatively being planned as a virtual program.  Additional details will be made available here.

NGS offers many educational programs on a variety of issues and providers are encouraged to review these available programs.


Dealing with COVID-19 PHE expenses, lost revenues, PPP SBA loan proceeds, changes in clinical and management practices, expanded telehealth services, waivers of previously required patient care protocols and billing requirements, altered reimbursement, changes to certification and survey requirements (federal and state) and much more has been a continuous effort by all provider types, including hospices.  While live educational offerings have not been available, virtual programs and webinars are continuously available.  We encourage everyone to be as informed as possible during this time.  Likewise, costs associated with COVID-19 related programs should be tracked for purposes of reporting as COVID-19 PHE related expenses.  Of course, documentation should be retained regarding costs, attendees, and program information.